Sunday, May 31, 2009

Best Baby Ever!

This is sweet baby 'J' who is probably the most content little baby I've ever seen. She is such a sweetheart! Have I mentioned I LOVE newborn shoots? Because I do!!! I'm always amazed at how easily you can forget how little your munchkins used to be. Thanks 'S' family for letting me share with you in welcome your new sweet bundle of joy to the world!

Friday, May 22, 2009

It's Great To Be 8!

This month is such a special one for this beautiful girl; she's turning 8! I loved stepping up in age on this shoot! This is my Ky-bug. She's my neice and I have really enjoyed watching her grow through the years that I've been a part of the Alberts' household. She is very smart, creative, incredibly imaginitive, and she is great with my kiddos! Thanks Ky-bug for letting me join you in celebrating this special moment in your life! You're beautiful!