Monday, April 18, 2011

New Blog!

Hayley's Photography has been REVAMPED!

I have a new blog, a new look and a new name, but it's still the same great photography.  Hayley Alberts Photography is live and up and running! Please see my new blog to see my latest work and find out what I'm doing.

Visit my NEW blog by clicking here!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring: What to Wear?

What should I wear is the #1 question I get asked with all my shoots.  I've had a this a question from a number of clients for the upcoming spring mini shoots, so I thought I'd give you some ideas.

If you haven't checked out this year's Spring line, you need too! It will give you a great idea and starting point of what you'd like to see in your images. There is something that fits every budget.  Don't be afraid to venture out into something new.  My favorites for kids are Children's Place, Old Navy and Target.  And the best part? You can check it all out online! No need to go from store to store.  I think now more than ever before, finding the perfect outfit for picture day is easier than ever!

If I could say just 2 things about what to wear it'd would be to add layers and colors.  Here are some great examples.



And my most favorite part of what to wear: Accessories!  Accessories are a great way to add more character and personality.  Take notice of what your child likes to dress up in. If your wanting a more classy look, a tie will make that statement.  If your little girl loves to play dress up, let her direct the show.  The more happy your children are with what they are wearing and how they feel, the better your images will turn out.


The most important thing when finding something for your child to wear is making sure that it's something they are comfortable in and fits who they are, because that's how you are you want to remember them!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mini Sessions are HERE!!!

Get ready? Get set? GO!!!

Hayley's Photography is having Spring Mini Sessions!! 
Mini sessions are a great way to get updated photos of your family for a great price and some extra freebies involved too!  These sessions will be done BEFORE EASTER; making it a perfect Easter gift, or even better, MOTHER's Day gifts!

Got a cute Easter outfit for your children? Or maybe you just need updated photos? Either way, you won't want to miss out.  Mini sessions don't happen often, and time slots are limited!

Here are the details:
  • $75.00
  • 20 minute sessions
  • Saturday, April 9th
  • Scenic outdoor location (Weber County)
  • Includes a beautiful 4x6 leatherette album containing all your edited images
  • A web-sized CD with all your edited images (perfect for Blogs, Facebook or email)
  • Ala carte pricing for any additional prints
  • To ensure enough time, sessions are limited to 2 children. Add'l children can be added at $15.00 each. Each additional child will add 10 minutes to your session time.

Call Hayley for more info and to reserve your spot!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Who She Is {Utah Children's Photographer}

[uh•lek•see•uh]  aka: Lexie
     1.  A leader; one who gives orders.
     2.  A modern day Shirley Temple carbon-copy during moments of private performances.
     3.  A spitfire since birth.
     4.  Often referred to as sweet, lovable, thoughtful.
5. Appreciates the color pink, dresses, jewelry, purses and high heels.
6. Attracted to objects that sparkle or are of shiny natures.
     7.  One who often leaves guardians speechless and out-smarted.
     8.  Whimsical, epigrammatic, ingenious, crafty.

     1. Climatic, expressive, theatrical, emotional, impulsive

1.  Boring, dull, moderate, slow








Any questions?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Now I lay me down to sleep has taught me.. {Utah Newborn Photographer}

As some of you know, I am a part of a wonderful organization called Now I lay me down to sleep (NILMDTS).  Now I lay me down to sleep's mission is to give grieving families who have lost their newborn and in-utero babies a chance to remember them through beautiful portrait photography.  It is currently made up of over 7,000 photographers in the United States and 25 countries; all dedicated to help families cope with the passing of sweet 'angel' babies.

NILMDTS is set up pretty well in the Salt Lake Valley hospitals, and we are starting to branch out to the northern Utah area, but sometimes growth is difficult and slow. Nothing breaks my heart more than to hear that a family who has now has an angel baby never got the opportunity of beautiful portraits to remember them by.  And that is why I post this. The best way for us to grow is to spread the word.  Many people have no idea an organization like this exists.  If you or someone you know has been in a situation where Now I lay me down to sleep could help, please don't hesitate to let us know.  You can see a list of the photographers in your area and the hospitals they serve on their website.

NILMDTS photographers are reviewed and trained.  Headquarters does great at getting us resources that are hard to come by.  We are a non-profit organization and have received some amazing products and gifts from different people all over the world that helps us give the absolute best we can give to families in such a great time of need.  Photographers are on-call every day and every night waiting to help a family in need.  This is a free gift that we give, and is something I firmly believe every family should have the opportunity for.

Although I haven't been doing many outdoor 'business' shoots during the cold winter months, I have been busy meeting some of the most beautiful families I think I may ever meet.  Maybe it's because of the circumstance.  Maybe it's because every angel's room I've entered holds a special spirit that is sacred to me.  Or maybe they are just truly and simply, the most beautiful families ever. To the families who have been able to receive images of their angel babe, they are priceless.  It is all they will have of their most beloved sweet baby.  They will not have pictures later in life of first steps, happy faces with toothless grins, learning to ride a bike or their first day of school. 

Now I lay me down to sleep has taught me to slow down in life. It has taught me to kiss my kids more often and hug them for longer.  It has taught me to read an extra goodnight storybook even if it's way past bedtime. It has taught me to love more deeply at home, and to thank the Lord more fervently in my prayers for each day I've been given with them. It has taught me that having a clean house should always fall behind a good game of hide-and-go-seek.  It has taught me that every second, every minute, every hour and every day is a gift. A priceless gift. It has taught me to live like tomorrow may not come, because none of us know when our time will be up.  For this, and for so many other wonderful things, I am honored and proud to be a photographer for such an incredible foundation. 

This is just a short clip of just one of the many families who have been given the gift of beautiful portraiture.  Grab a kleenex and then watch it. And then go love your loved ones.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Where did I go? {Utah Photographer}

For those who know me best, ya know, I hate the winter.  I'd love to escape. I'd go anywere. Bermuda? Bahamas? Key Largo? Montego? (Baby why don't we go? Are you singing along yet??) 

But the truth is, I haven't gone anywhere. And let's just be honest. I've been in a photographer rut.  And this weather doesn't help.  But, after a nice long break, I'm ready to jump back on board! My batteries are recharged and rejuvinated! I know this excites you, because I know you've missed me.  You've been checking back every single day just waiting anxiously for that next post, haven't you? Haven't you?!?

So check back often. Or you'll have to answer to him. Watch out--he means business.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

More Pease Please!

A huge thanks goes to Kate for her patience!  This was one of 2 shoots that I was doing for a fellow photographer and friend.  We weren't really sure where the location of this shoot was going to be. So we drove down the road a little bit and found this cool little nook.  I think it turned out rather perfectly!  The leaves were beautiful and I prepared myself to be frozen to the bone, but the weather was actually quite pleasant as well. Hope you enjoy your sneak peek Pease Family!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

For Sarah

It all started at a family shower.  My sister-in-law mentioned that my husband's cousin, Sarah, also did pictures.  It immediately got my attention.  We started talking and sharing locations and images.  I don't think either of us realized the path that was laying before us, much less that we'd walk it together.

 People told us it wouldn't work. We are not only competition--we are family.  But they were wrong.  This is for Sarah, who has been a rock for me through my photographic career.   This is for Sarah who has saved my photo-takin' butt more than a few times. This is for Sarah who I can call in tears when the frustration is to much, who I can ask a question and get a completely honest answer, and who I am indebted to for her kindness and generosity.  And this is for Sarah, whose pictures she came to excitedly pick up last night and I missed her call (sorry about that dear!).  Here is just a sneak peek of the lovely Sarah and her sweet hubby Jake.  There is no question about how much these guys love each other! Almost as much as I love Sarah! :-)




I just love the way Jake is looking at her in this picture. So tender.




Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Yellow Leaves, Red Dresses & Rain

I woke up the morning of this shoot and looked at the dark grey clouds looming over the location of my shoot.  I know that we wouldn't be able to dodge the rain.  And sure enough, we didn't! But this little family, used to the warmer temperatures of Japan, stuck it out. Their 2 little girls did awesome in the rain, and I for one, had lots of fun shooting in the rain!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Ya know, Ogden gets a bad rap. And today, I am standing up for the O-town. Does it
have it's bad areas? Sure, of course! What big cities don't?  But you wanna know what's GREAT about Ogden? It's FULL of character!  Colors, buildings, rocks, murals, horses...charater people! And I found yet another perfect example of Ogden's character. Check out Vintage Cupcakes awesome location. Never before have I seen such a cute shop that sells Cupcakes. It's like right out of a movie. Bright colors, antiques, old tables. I loved it. And bonus! They even let us shoot there! I had a blast in there. Enjoy your sneek peak Jensen family!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Baby Blues! {Northen Utah Family Photographer}

If you think I did any sort of enhancing to her eyes, you are definitely mistaken. This little angels eyes popped perfectly against that background with the help of some beautiful light.  They are all hers.  She will make the boys crazy someday...hopefully in the distant future though! Enjoy your sneak peek Bowman Family!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Custom-Made Christmas Cards

It's that time of year again! It's time to be thinking about Christmas! But what if you could cross of one thing OFF you list? How about this year, you leave Christmas cards up to me? All you have to do is show up to your session, tell me what you want, and I do the rest. And bonus! For all sessions completed by October 31, you're Christmas cards-with envelopes-will be delivered by December 1st. Awesome, right! Want to personalize your cards even more? I can add your very own handwriting as the text of your cards!

I custom design all my cards myself. They are printed on high quality press printed paper (similiar to cardstock, but much thicker and prettier!).  Because I design the cards myself, everything is completely customizable; from the font you choose, the colors you pick, the pictures in your layout and the saying.  Cards come in 4.5x5 folded, 5x7 double sided flat and 5x7 folded. All sides of the cards are designed, as you can see below.
Sessions are booking up fast!

5x7 Folded Front and Back                                                                  5x7 Folded inside

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Red Rock Bride {Utah Wedding Photographer}

I had the opportunity of going down to Moab for this year's convention with IPPA.  This was my first time to Moab--and what an adventure it was!!  I spent one evening shooting this *beautiful* bride on the red rocks at sunset.  The weather was perfect-o and even though we had some storm clouds above us, it was perfectly warm.  I had a really hard time choosing which ones to share on the blog.  I had such a wonderful time getting together with other professional photographers to both share our knowledge and our passion.