As some of you know, I am a part of a wonderful organization called Now I lay me down to sleep (NILMDTS). Now I lay me down to sleep's mission is to give grieving families who have lost their newborn and in-utero babies a chance to remember them through beautiful portrait photography. It is currently made up of over 7,000 photographers in the United States and 25 countries; all dedicated to help families cope with the passing of sweet 'angel' babies.
NILMDTS is set up pretty well in the Salt Lake Valley hospitals, and we are starting to branch out to the northern Utah area, but sometimes growth is difficult and slow. Nothing breaks my heart more than to hear that a family who has now has an angel baby never got the opportunity of beautiful portraits to remember them by. And that is why I post this. The best way for us to grow is to spread the word. Many people have no idea an organization like this exists. If you or someone you know has been in a situation where Now I lay me down to sleep could help, please don't hesitate to let us know. You can see a list of the photographers in your area and the hospitals they serve on their website.
NILMDTS photographers are reviewed and trained. Headquarters does great at getting us resources that are hard to come by. We are a non-profit organization and have received some amazing products and gifts from different people all over the world that helps us give the absolute best we can give to families in such a great time of need. Photographers are on-call every day and every night waiting to help a family in need. This is a free gift that we give, and is something I firmly believe every family should have the opportunity for.
Although I haven't been doing many outdoor 'business' shoots during the cold winter months, I have been busy meeting some of the most beautiful families I think I may ever meet. Maybe it's because of the circumstance. Maybe it's because every angel's room I've entered holds a special spirit that is sacred to me. Or maybe they are just truly and simply, the most beautiful families ever. To the families who have been able to receive images of their angel babe, they are priceless. It is all they will have of their most beloved sweet baby. They will not have pictures later in life of first steps, happy faces with toothless grins, learning to ride a bike or their first day of school.
Now I lay me down to sleep has taught me to slow down in life. It has taught me to kiss my kids more often and hug them for longer. It has taught me to read an extra goodnight storybook even if it's way past bedtime. It has taught me to love more deeply at home, and to thank the Lord more fervently in my prayers for each day I've been given with them. It has taught me that having a clean house should always fall behind a good game of hide-and-go-seek. It has taught me that every second, every minute, every hour and every day is a gift. A priceless gift. It has taught me to live like tomorrow may not come, because none of us know when our time will be up. For this, and for so many other wonderful things, I am honored and proud to be a photographer for such an incredible foundation.
This is just a short clip of just one of the many families who have been given the gift of beautiful portraiture. Grab a kleenex and then watch it. And then go love your loved ones.
Hayley, you have me in tears. This is such an incredible organization and I can't even begin to imagine how many lives you've affected by being so willing to give of your time and talents. You are so amazing!