Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Spoiled Rotten

Who? This little one? Probably (how could you not!?)
But no, my friends--he's not who I'm talking about.
The spoiled one would be: ME.
This is my little nephew, ain't he cute?! Which means I have the time to kiss him, hug him, love him, squish him, snuggle him and then send him on his way to his mommy. I could totally get used to this whole 'grandparents adavantage' thing.
Hmmm....well-I guess I will just have to wait my turn. :-)

Hot Summer Days...

Have I mentioned I love summer? Because I do! It makes shoots like these perfect!!
We did this about 7:00 and we were all sweating like a herd of pigs (and by we I mean me). But regardless, this family still pulled it off perfectly. I thoroughly enjoyed myself!
It's nice to know I'm not the only one who can't give their husband a kiss without the kids climbing all over me. Thank you 'J' family! I LOVED it!